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15th January 2024

Year 12 bulletin 

Morning all,

Well done to those that have completed some of their mocks; your behaviour was excellent. Although you have study leave, you are welcome to come in to school to revise or attend any revision sessions being put on by staff.




Quote of the week:


“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.”

              Arthur Ashe


Key dates and deadlines


  • The Maths Department runs A Level support every Wednesday for A Level Maths and GCSE re-sit support every single Monday. 

  • Chemistry has both year 12 and 13 chemistry support sessions after school every Monday.

  • Physics has revisions/support sessions on a Tuesday morning between 8.15 and 8.45.


A few general announcements:


Please make sure you are all signed up to the Exams Google Classroom - this is how you will find out vital information about each exam series, resits, mocks and other details. The classroom code is aj5fjjv


Applications are now open for Year 12 students to apply for a Nuffield Research Placement next summer. Over the years several of our students have completed the Nuffield placement and Laibah from last year’s Yr 13 won a £1000 prize for her report. Be aware there are eligibility criteria. 

They have two exciting options for Nuffield this year; you can choose your preference:

 1 week Nuffield Experience Placement (NEP)

  • 2 week Nuffield Research Placement (NRP)

The placements are undertaken during the summer holidays after Year 12. Students work on a project that relates to an area of Science, Social Science, Earth Science, Computing, Technology, Engineering or Maths (or a combination of these). Projects can be face-to-face, virtual or blended based in an office, working in a laboratory or fieldwork.

The Nuffield Foundation reimburses travel costs for all students, and depending on students’ family circumstances, they may also be eligible to receive a bursary for the duration of their placement. There is no financial cost.

Apply here: Register | Nuffield Research Placements


NB: To be eligible to apply for a Nuffield Research Placement, you must:

  • Have at least 5 GCSEs (or equivalent) at a grade C or above, including maths, a science subject and English (or another humanities subject).

  • Be studying one or more A-level in science, technology, engineering, economics, geography, psychology, computing, statistics or maths.

  • Be able to spend time during their summer holiday working on a research/careers project.

Students must also meet at least ONE of the following criteria:

  • Be living, or have lived in, local authority care.

  • Come from a family with a combined household income of below £30,000 a year, or be entitled to free school meals, either now or at any time in the last six years.

  • Be the first in their immediate family to participate in higher education (not including any older siblings). This means neither of their parents/carers have participated in higher education, either in the UK or another country. If their siblings have attended higher education, but their parents/carers have not, they are eligible.  


  • The Independent Study activities document has been updated by staff so you can build in some super-curricular activities or get ahead with understanding key topics.

  • Cambridge University have super-curricular resources created and written by Cambridge students and academics 




Applications for the Free National NHS Virtual Work Experience programme are now open.

Here’s the relevant information:


This month, it’s focused on the fascinating world of Surgery, giving you the opportunity to witness key-hole surgery, oral surgery, and the chance to shadow Mr. Challocome, a urology surgeon at Guy's and Thomas' NHS Trust.

This virtual experience opens doors for you to gain valuable insights and opportunities that may be otherwise difficult to access. on shadowing; it's a crucial step in preparing students for their upcoming physical placements.

Covering everything from ethics to procedures and broader team roles, our virtual work experience gives a crucial overview of their desired career paths and the skills that medical and dental schools are looking for, enhancing their UCAS applications.

Signing up is easy – students just need to fill out the free online application form

The applications for the  Pathway to Bath programme are open now! This award-winning blended curriculum enrichment programme for Year 12 students from Widening participation backgrounds offers students: 

  • The opportunity to complete a project in a subject of their choice alongside academic tutors and undergraduate e-mentors 

  • The opportunity to apply to a free 3 day residential at the University of Bath

  •  The chance to receive a guaranteed offer to the University of Bath 

You can apply via the website now and the deadline is 31st January 2024. 

 Please note that eligibility criteria apply which includes Free School Meals and Index of Multiple deprivation – the Polar postcode profile is not included in the criteria. For more information please click here.

If you don’t meet their widening participation criteria, please look at Ask Bath, which enables students to connect with current university undergraduates who are trained E-Mentors and exchange 1:1 chat message via the partner Brightside’s secure platform.  The service is available at any time, simply by downloading the Brightside App onto your laptop, tablet or phone.  

Please follow this link to a short video:  Ask Bath (


A number of St Cyres students have used this pathway over the years as a way to guarantee an offer - it’s definitely worth doing.

Gresham College has a series of lectures by different Professors which are really useful to show your proactive engagement with the subject you’re hoping to study: browse the series they have here: ​​ 


  • The Art and Science of Tuning by Professor Milton Mermikides. Thu, 18 Jan 

Register here. 


  • Capital Structure Theory Explained by Professor RaghavendraRau Mon, 22 Jan

          Register here


  • How Cancer Genomics is Transforming Cancer Care Professor Sanjay Popat Tue, 23 

           Register here

  • 'Oumuamua': Our first interstellar visitor Professor Chris Lintott Wed, 24 Jan

           Register here

There’s a fantastic opportunity with the organisation tutor2u who are offering a new Free Online Course for all Sixth Form students. The course includes a mix of videos, engaging activities and resource downloads and covers:

  • An overview of the options for students beyond their time in sixth form

  • Finding out more – suggested research links

  • Advice on how to make strong applications to higher education institutions

  • How to complete an effective personal statement

  • Specialist higher education applications (including Oxbridge, medicine etc)

  • All about apprenticeships

  • Gap years

  • Student finances – a practical guide

Use the link here to register: Students

To begin the preparation for university, you could have a look at when university Open Days are happening this half-term. Use the link here to check: 

Speakers for Schools has a range of work experience opportunities, just be aware some are aimed at students in England - especially the Healthcare ones which relate to NHS England. Use the link here to see whether there’s anything relevant to you. 






General advice


Discover Uni is a government-funded facility which has data on nearly every university and their courses. You can find the entry data of students who joined a degree course and the percentage of those students who entered with particular grades - if you have the same grades then your chances are higher than if you have lower grades.try the website here: Discover Uni

Many universities have got upcoming Open Days so make sure you have a look at the places you think you may want to study at. I’ve just put the links for our most popular destinations’ Open Days below as well as the Open Days calendar. 

To make sure you understand the grades you might need for courses you’re interested in and confirm entry requirements please use the following website: Ask your LC to look at courses with you if you’re not sure whether you might need specific subjects/grades for a course you are considering.

UCL Masterclasses 

UCL Masterclasses are a range of online, subject-specific, hour-long sessions for students in Year 12 to get a taste of university. Sessions run weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays (4-5pm) from January to April, and feature an interactive lecture on a specific topic from UCL academics and PhD students. This is a great opportunity for students wanting more super-curricular activities to write about in their personal statement. Apply here

Leeds University has their Skill Up in Theatre and Performance workshop (application deadline 25th Feb)

‘Skill Up in Theatre and Performance’ is a programme for Year 12 students interested in finding out more about life as a Theatre and Performance undergraduate as well as the career opportunities that this course can offer. This two-day on campus experience will take place on 26-27 March 2024. Be aware that there is no accommodation provided.  Apply here. 

Durham University has their Futures in STEM Programme coming up (31st Jan application deadline)

Futures in STEM provides two years of free online academic tutoring and pastoral support to Year 12 students. The programme is designed for students considering studying Chemistry, Maths or Physics at University, and guarantees a conditional offer to study one of these degrees at Durham University upon completion. Apply here. 

Swansea University’s Faculty of Medicine Health & Life Sciences are now running drop-in sessions over the next few months for prospective Nursing students at their St David’s Park Campus in Carmarthen. In the sessions, students can chat to the Nursing teaching team about the course and life as a student nurse. To book onto a session, please click here.

If you have any questions about these drop-in sessions, please email


Swansea’s next on-campus events are Saturday 17 February and Saturday 23 March. Students will have the opportunity to:-

  • Find out about more about courses

  • Speak to staff and current students studying their chosen subjects

  • Take a campus tour of our fantastic campus and department facilities

Bath University has three programmes for students to aplpy to:


‘Discover Bath’ programme which is a free event for Year 12 students from Widening Participation backgrounds to experience university study and find out about life at university. It’s a summer programme which aims to give prospective students a taste of first-year life and study at the University of Bath. You'll also have the opportunity to gain a reduced offer. It’s a free-of-charge, including on-campus accommodation, free meals for the duration of your stay, a programme of academic sessions (lectures, seminars, workshops) and fun social activities. Your travel to the University can also be reimbursed (reasonable travel within the UK only). Find out more here.


Target Bath which is a free programme for Year 12 students of Black African and Caribbean heritage to find out about life at the University of Bath. Find out more here. 


Pathway to Bath This is a free blended learning programme run by University of Bath that gives students the chance to work online alongside experienced staff and current students, to develop key skills for university study and beyond. You will also be given the opportunity to apply for a place on a free 3-day residential visit to campus in the summer, to experience life as a student at Bath. The course is structured as follows:

  • February - May 2024 - Study an online course delivered by our academic staff which will support you to complete an independent project and develop key academic skills. Online sessions will be released regularly and will include some live sessions. You will be supported every step of the way by your tutor, University of Bath students and your fellow Pathway students, who you will get to know in your live sessions.

  • June - July 2024 - Hand in your final project and receive valuable Uni life information from our undergraduate e-mentors about student finance, accommodation, making friends and more.

  • 22-24 July 2024 - Take part in an action packed residential during the summer holiday. You will be able to apply for a stay in university halls, attend lectures and workshops, explore our award-winning facilities and world heritage city, and get involved in social activities to really experience life on campus.

  • September – December 2024 - Receive support to make a competitive application to study at Bath and a successful transition to university, including exclusive sessions with Admissions Tutors, 1:1 personal statement support, and much more.

Find out more here.

Reading University has a Scholars Programme with residential:

They run a subject-based programme for Widening Participation students to be involved with a subject area and explore what life might be like at university. This includes day trips to Reading, online guidance and information sessions, as well as a 4 day residential in July. I have attached a pdf of the brochure for LCs to share with you which outlines the subject area offering the programme, and also see here for more information on the website.. Applications are open now and will close in mid-January.

Newcastle University is working with the Sutton Trust on the Pathways to Medicine and Pathways to Law, two-year programmes offered in partnership with the Sutton Trust. You would complete a work experience placement and summer school and get academic and sector-specific support. You could also receive a conditional offer that's typically up to three grades lower than normal entry requirements.  Use the link here to apply

They also have The PARTNERS Academic Summer School (PASS), designed to give you an early introduction to various aspects of Higher Education study and help you to prepare for life at Newcastle University. PASS is taught by undergraduate lecturers in the same subject field that you apply to as your firm choice course. During the event, you will meet some of your undergraduate lecturers, use Newcastle University facilities to complete academic tasks and get to know other students on your course.

Upon completion of PASS, we hope this will mean that you feel more confident in your ability to be successful at Newcastle University and that you'll be more than ready to begin studying at Higher Education level once the first semester begins in the autumn. Find out more here. 

They also have the Newcastle Virtual Student Experience 


This Wednesday 17th January 2024 join Newcastle University's Virtual Student Experience and discover what Newcastle University is really like; learn about applications, the PARTNERS scheme and how it could get you a lower offer, student finance, health and wellbeing support, and living in Newcastle. A perfect way to explore a University without needing to travel.

Cardiff University’s lecture series is ongoing; 


They also have a free opportunity for students to join the Cardiff University Step Up Programme 2024.   

 About the Programme 

Step Up is a two year academic programme supporting year 12 college and sixth form students from under-represented backgrounds who are considering Higher Education. The programme helps eligible students build the skills and confidence in order to thrive in Higher Education.  

Students will attend weekly academic masterclasses in a chosen subject, giving them the opportunity to experience university life and learning in a safe and welcoming environment. 


Programme Details 

Six weeks of Masterclasses will be led by academic tutors on Cardiff University Campus. Masterclasses will be held weekly, from 5-7pm beginning of the 21st February 2024. 


Students can choose one of the following areas of study: 

  • Healthcare Sciences

  • Humanities and Social Sciences  

  • Medicine and Dentistry 

  • Language, Literature and Communication  

  • Science, Technology and Maths  



Benefits of the scheme include exclusive opportunities such as access to a Residential Summer School and contextual offers (subject to good attendance and commitment to the programme), invites to Open Day drop ins, support with personal statements and the application process. 


 Students can apply for the programme using this form. 

You might also want to check out the advice given on the ‘Better uni choices’ site which has some helpful tips on how to get the best out of attending Open Days. 

Aspire is a collection of free careers, university and further education resources. It is designed to give state-educated students the tools and knowledge they need to make more informed decisions about their future. Their ‘guide’ is a free resource, full of information and guidance, designed to inform you and help you navigate the range of careers and further education out there. Access the online version of the Guide, alongside other resources, on the Aspire website


Apprenticeships/Degree Apprenticeships


Please sign up for Uptree here and then check out all the opportunities they have:  and also the different events they have on offer 

They have an upcoming event with Deloitte.

Deloitte is a major and well-known professional services organisation in the United Kingdom. They are connected to a global network that spans 150 nations. Deloitte offers positions in Audit & Assurance, Human Capital, Technology, and Governance & Risk. Attending this Application Masterclass will provide you with information about Deloitte's Aspire programme as well as the opportunity to network with Deloitte colleagues. You'll leave feeling assured about your future application to Deloitte.

25 Jan  National: Deloitte, Professional Services Application Masterclass 

Start time: 10.00am

End time: 12.00pm

Apply here:

Network 75 is a combined work placement and part-time study route to a degree allowing students to Work, Earn and Learn. Network75 Trainees are able to apply their academic knowledge to real-life work within their host company gaining the necessary skills, experience and qualifications that are highly sought after by industry. 

PwC has more information for potential accountants, business management or technology students interested in degree apprenticeships with them. Use the link  here to find out more



Education Wales have launched Shore - a new website for young people concerned about sexual thoughts or behaviour.  You can get confidential and anonymous support from their advisors through Shore’s chat and email service


For those of you feeling anxious or struggling with the adjustment to 6th Form, as always, we are always available to help. If you feel you need more support here are some useful links:


 Remember it  is important that you keep an eye on your emails and our Twitter feed (@stcyres6th). I send out links and tweets regularly so there is a lot of information available, you just need to access it and let me know if there are any problems with you doing that. 

As always, if there are any issues get in touch; we’re here to support you.

Take care,

Ms Jones 

St Cyres School, Sully Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, CF64 2XP

02920 708708