17th April 2023
Year 13 Bulletin
Morning all,
Hope you had a good Easter break and managed to balance relaxation with revision. Still not much new other than some Apprenticeship and Open Day opportunities you might want to look at. There are staffed revision sessions ongoing for Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Crim/Sociology - please make sure you attend - it will help support the revision you are undertaking at home.
- Our final ‘Leavers Assembly’ will be on Friday the 19th May during period 5. It is a normal day other than that but you might want to bring an extra shirt of you want to get one signed etc.
- Uniform - a reminder that nose piercings are not permitted - they must be taken out before school starts; a clear stud can be used.
For those wishing to revise or simply complete work after school please remember the 6th Form Centre is open until 3.30 every day and can be kept open until 4 or later on request.
Please make sure that you are signing the ‘Class Sign-in sheets’ when a teacher is away. The sign-in sheet will be available for the duration of the lesson. If you do not sign-in you will be marked as absent which could affect your attendance and EMA.
There have been a number of enquiries regarding EMA - please remember that EMA payments are dependent on more than just your attendance at lessons. You signed a contract agreeing to attend lessons; be punctual to them AND complete work set - any notifications that work has not been completed or repeated lateness to lessons can result in the decision not to award EMA.
Teacher awards:
Is there a teacher who has inspired you? Is there a teacher who has helped you or supported you? The University of South Wales are accepting nominations for their annual USW Teacher and Adviser Awards - you might want to nominate a member of staff who has inspired you or supported you throughout the year. Use the link here to nominate someone.
Uptree is a free careers programme Through Uptree, you can:
- Access free online courses and support for career development
- Broaden your knowledge of career routes
- Meet with leading employers
- Access unique opportunities and events, including apprenticeships and work experience
- ‘Ted Talk’: The impact of risk-taking on a teenager's brain
- ‘BBC Ideas’: 5 Charts that changed the world
- 60 of you have applied to university
- 44 (73%) of you have all your offers
- 22 of you have made your choices and firmed up your offers; and 2 of those are unconditional places
- There is no rush to firm up your choices; you have until the 8th June; take time to visit campuses, speak to current students and generally do your research before making your choices.
- Also, now the application deadline has gone, you may well find that universities will sometimes revise their offers and lower the grades or offer incentives such as first choice with accommodation or bursaries. Let me know if you need to chat about your decisions.
Academic support and key deadlines
Support sessions are running on Fridays between 8:00 - 8:30am and 2:45 — 3:45pm every week; see Mrs Rowlands for details.
Support sessions after school on Mondays in I13; see Miss Toozer for details.
Mr Withers is running Drama rehearsals on Thursdays
Catch up sessions after school on a Monday, but can be more flexible if given notice. They also have an 'A Level Litcast' podcast for A Level on Spotify/iTunes.
Homework tasks/additional reading are on Google Classroom/ Class Charts. Pop and see Miss Tomley for support; she has most time on a Tuesday.
Support sessions after school on Wednesdays; see Mr Jones for details
Medical Science and Biology
Mrs Collier is running catch up/revision session for Biology and Medical Science for Yr 12 and any year 13 students who are resitting Units, on Thursday's after school from 2.45 to 3.45pm.
Upcoming Opportunities/Events
UCB & BP Summer Work Experience Firstly, UCB, a leading multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, is holding a Work in Science Week this coming July. This is a hands-on and immersive week based in the labs undertaking lots of experiments and practical lab work.
Secondly, BP, a British multinational energy company headquartered in London, and one of the world's largest companies, is hosting a work experience day, and a work experience week also in July (in-person). Use the link here. |
The British Army are offering a variety of STEM job roles; find out how you can join here. These roles could be within several different units, such as the Army Air Corps, the Royal Signals or the Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers. |
Speakers for Schools has a range of work experience opportunities, just be aware some are aimed at students in England - especially the Healthcare ones which relate to NHS England. Use the link here to see whether there’s anything relevant to you. |
Gresham College has a series of lectures by different Professors; April’s lectures include: Professor Martin Daunton explores the long-standing debates over Who Benefited from the British Empire? Professor Leslie Thomas KC will ask Do We Need Criminal Law? or should we consider alternatives like restorative justice? Professor Ronald Hutton will look at Finding Lost Gods in Wales, asking whether the poetry and stories of medieval Wales really contain folk memories of early Gods. Professor Imogen Goold will examine the legal and ethical issues in the rapidly advancing field of Gene Editing. New series: Women In World Religions Professor Morwenna Ludlow will explore Women Leaders in Early Christianity, and Rabbi Dr Deborah Kahn-Harris will look at Reclaiming Women in the Hebrew Bible. In an engineering series Engineering the Modern World, Sue Ion will be asking What is the Role of Nuclear Power in a Net Zero System?, architect Sadie Morgan (dRMM) will look at Architects and Engineers: Making Infrastructure Beautiful, and Roger Ridsdill Smith (Foster + Partners) explores The Future of Tall Buildings. For other lectures which are at undergraduate level use the link here. |
The key focus for most of you now will be on deciding on your firm and insurance choice. Attend Open Days, go to Offer Holders Days and generally do your research.
Here’s a helpful guide to the things you might be worrying about and some tips on how to get University Ready.
Many universities have got upcoming Open Days so make sure you have a look at the places you think you may want to study at. I’ve just put the links for our most popular destinations’ Open Days below as well as the Open Days calendar.
USW have a range of opportunities coming up, please check their website for information.
Cardiff University has Open Days coming up on Friday 30 June and Saturday 1 July; keep an eye out for those or for Offer-Holder days for specific courses.
Aspire is a collection of free careers, university and further education resources. It is designed to give state-educated students the tools and knowledge they need to make more informed decisions about their future. Their ‘guide’ is a free resource, full of information and guidance, designed to inform you and help you navigate the range of careers and further education out there. Access the online version of the Guide, alongside other resources, on the Aspire website,
Apprenticeships/Degree Apprenticeships
Information from Careers Wales: https://careerswales.gov.wales/apprenticeships/employers-who-offer-apprenticeships |
Willis Construction is an expanding organisation with new opportunities arising all the time. They have opportunities for Apprenticeships and Trainees: Training Opportunities - Willis Construction If you would like to register your interest please send an expression of interest or a CV to mail@willisconstruction.co.uk |
Amey PLC is a leading infrastructure services and engineering company who have a range of opportunities available: Amey: Degree Apprenticeships (office.com) Earn while you learn, gain recognised qualifications, and excel in your career (amey.co.uk) Higher level Apprenticeship Programme; you may need up to 3 A-Levels (or equivalent) at Grades A*-C to apply for the Higher Apprenticeship Programmes |
PwC has more information for potential accountants, business management or technology students interested in degree apprenticeships with them. Use the link here to find out more |
For those of you who may feel you need support, as always we are always available to help. If you feel you need more support there are some useful support sites and links listed here:
- Young Minds
- Young Minds - muslim mental health campaign
- Young British Muslims talk Mental Health
- Mental Health Wales
- Mind
- TogetherAll
- Papyrus
There are also some useful techniques here for those experiencing feelings of anxiety:
- Breathing techniques to calm anxiety Visit now
- Yoga for Anxiety Visit now
Remember it is important that you keep an eye on your emails and our Twitter feed (@stcyres6th). I send out links and tweets regularly so there is a lot of information available, you just need to access it and let me know if there are any problems with you doing that.
As always, if there are any issues get in touch; we’re here to support you.
Take care,
Ms Jones