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Years 7 & 8

The Area of Learning Mathematics and Numeracy aims to ensure all learners are confident and have a positive start to their secondary maths experience. Both Year 7 and Year 8 are taught in their mixed ability forms to ensure a smooth transition from primary school.  The  lessons include both support for pupils and a high level of challenge for our more able pupils. We use a range of learning techniques in lessons with a focus on developing  problem-solving and critical thinking.  Our scheme of learning is pupil focussed and prioritises depth of understanding and pupil experience to meet the expectations of the new Curriculum for Wales 2022.

To support pupils in developing their Mathematical skills we use Sparx for home learning and this is set weekly.  Should support be needed to complete this we offer a Sparx Club every Monday, where learners can complete the home learning with the support of a Maths teacher.  Further resources can be found here including our calculation policy and ways to develop skills


St Cyres School, Sully Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, CF64 2XP

02920 708708