October 2023

As the days get colder and the nights get longer, pupils and staff are looking forward to a well-deserved half term break. It is also time to reflect on what we have achieved in the last 8 weeks. Our Year 7 pupils are now firmly established and have settled extremely well into secondary school life, and all other Year groups have settled into their studies at various levels. It has been pleasing to see pupils working with such a positive attitude, and that will stand them in good stead throughout the academic year.
One of our school aims for this academic year is to work more closely with our wider community, and particularly parents. We know that we get the best from pupils when the school, the pupils themselves and their families all work closely together. This half term, we have had no fewer than 12 community events, and these have ranged from our usual parents’ evening to discuss academic progress, through to GCSE information evenings for Year 10 and Year 11, a coffee afternoon for our new Year 7 parents, parent focus group, and our very successful Open Evening.
One particular community event to note was ‘Cultures Evening’ which was held at the end of October. The last week of the half term has been devoted to ‘culture’ and, in the curriculum, we have been looking at how various cultures have influenced the world in which we live. The week culminated with an amazing evening where we celebrated the various cultures that are within our school through music, dance and poetry and it was lovely to see so many pupils on the stage performing in front of a very appreciative audience. It really was a wonderful evening and one which will be repeated next year!
And so finally for October, can I thank all parents and family members, and the wider community who have helped make these community events such a success. Community events are only successful when the community supports them so a huge thank you from me. I wish all members of our community a relaxing and restful half term holiday.